river reports

Virginia River Report | North Carolina River Report


Tennessee River Report



Most of the smaller streams are beginning to fish well. Fish a dry/nymph dropper rig for the best results.


Be sure to have tan or red zebra midges, disco midges, stripper midges, krystal midges, and rainbow warriors in your box. Some good BWO patterns include, Mercer's micro mayflies, Barr's emergers, rabbit foot emergers, Hise's hetero-genius nymphs (copper or orange), Rosenbauer's rabbit foots, sparkle duns, Travis' para-emergers, English pheasant tails (olive, black), bunny duns, split cases, hi-vis parachutes, sparkle duns, dun cripples, CDC hackle stackers, CDC mayflies, and extreme emergers. Also, don't hesitate to try RS2's, WD40's, WD50's, epoxy buzzers, and bead head scuds. The most consistent rig, day in and day out, is a non beaded olive pheasant tail with a purple or black zebra midge at the end. Try some bloodworm red and/or red squirmitos. The generation schedule has been screwy so be sure to check the Tennessee Valley Authority generation schedule before heading out.


Black Caddis, BWOs and midges will be the primary insects you will need to focus on. Utilize similar patterns to those that are productive on the South Holston Tail Race just add some caddis patterns into the mix. The fish have also been eating up red and bloodworm red squirmitos. Be sure to check the Tennessee Valley Authority generation schedule before heading out.


Useful Links:

Link to the Tennessee Valley Authority generation schedule----Tennessee Valley Authority Generation Schedule

Link to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency----Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

Link to the USGS stream and river levels for Tennessee and beyond----United States Geological Survey

Link to weather conditions in Tennessee from Weather Underground----Tennessee Weather Report

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